Welcome to Sirecoms web site,
Since 1979, our trading Company has undergone a constant evolution consolidating a commercial structure, leading us to stand out in different product lines like parts and components. We have been in the mobile A/C & Refrigeration business for more than 25 years now. Our main goal is to provide outstanding customer service.
We build long-term relationships with our current and potential customers by consistently providing high quality products and services. With customers, large organizations and small businesses, Sirecom consistently delivers the highest quality products and services where and when they are needed. The permanent communication and entailment with world leader companies, allow us to be up-dated about technological evolution in our specialty, and therefore able to offer the best maintenance, repair and operation, MRO to our Clients.
Maintain "delighted customers" approach and every day communication with our clients, offer of an extended range of products and services of great reliability, and our permanent concern in reducing costs in our clients operations.
The demands of today’s highly competitive world, has taken us to privilege very strongly the time element, since if any of these achievements arrive late, they lose all effectiveness.
The soul of an organization and the only ones able to suitably take care of the basic needs of all company activity: technology, work and capital. They are the ones that with their talent and dedication, manage to obtain the harmony and the work in equipment, as values shared by all.
The permanent search of excellence in quality of our products and services, has become one of the basic principles of our organization.
Not only will these have to satisfy the specifications of our offers, but must surpass our clients expectations. Only thus, in a world of increasing competition, we shall be able to maintain our leadership.
The implementation of a rigorous quality securing system allows us to reduce our costs and to transform us into a synonymous of reliability for our clients.
All companies, at present, are aware of the necessity to rely on the best advice, regarding the selection installation and operation of products, independently of their quality and reliability. Being each one of these variables, a necessary but insufficient condition, we have not only worked to offer products of high quality and reliability, but also prepared ourselves to offer excellence in the support of the required services.
We are facing our future based on an optimistic and growing vision, for the economy of our neighboring markets. This growing vision obliges us think big, our only option.
For these reasons, we have accelerated our investments in costs reduction, that will be carried out by means of varied alliances, with local and international suppliers, with commercial associations in neighboring countries and essentially, with our main clients, with whom we have consolidated long term agreements, with the objective to increase all parts productivity.
Without any doubt, the optimism and the mentioned alliances shall be the great energy generators that will allow us to ensure the future we are seeking.
Degerli Dostumuz,
Degerli Dostumuz,
Calismalarinizda ihtiyac duyuldugu takdirde, tum imkanlarimizla sizinle birlikte oldugumuzu belirterek,
Saygilar Sunariz.
©2025 Sirecom Srl - Cod Fiscale/P. Iva IT04701040158 - All rights reserved.
Sede legale Via Roma 102 –20060 Bellinzago Lombardo (MI) PEC sirecomsrl@pec.it
Ufficio del Registro Milano, REA 1032138, Cod. Mecc.MI056958 CCIAA Milano 1032138,
TRIB MI 192177 Codice NATO AF 506, Capitale sociale €20.800.

